Meet some of

Our Team

Rev’d Gavin Rushton

Rev’d Gavin Rushton

Church Leader

Hi my name is Gavin and I'm the Church Leader here at Hope Family Church. Thanks for coming to visit our website, I really appreciate you taking the time and energy out of your day to check us out!

I hope that one of the things you'll notice about us is that we truly believe in the fact that we are "Family For Everyone". And one of the best ways we can be family is to love each other and pray for each other so please do get in touch if I, or one of the team, can pray for you at all. We'd love to hear from you so please do get in touch either by sending me an email, connecting with the Church on social media, or by visiting us at our Cafe or Sunday services!

Have a great day!

Rev’d Anita Burke

Rev’d Anita Burke


Hi, I’m Anita, Curate at Hope Family Church. My husband and I, along with our slightly crazy chocolate labrador, just moved to Washington, shortly after I was ordained Deacon in July 2022. Meanwhile our two adult children have remained in back in Teesside. I love dog walking but often get lost navigating the labyrinths of the Washington area. If you see me around and about please give me a wave… and maybe some directions!

Rob Cooper

Rob Cooper

Digital Lead

Hi I'm Rob, and I lead our social media channels and online church campuses. You'll also find me leading worship at events right across the North-East as well as in-person at Hope Family Church: Washington.

I'm originally from Nottingham, but moved up to the North-East for Uni with my wife, Becca, where I completed a PhD in Mathematics. We loved it up here so decided to stay and recently bought our first house. We also have a hyper-active spaniel x labrador!